Artifact Inventory and Photography
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Learn to photograph and inventory historical and cultural items in the collection of Amuseum Naturalis at The Old House.Detailed description
Help us create a permanent record of the historical and cultural items in the collection of Amuseum Naturalis. Volunteers will learn to do artifact photography, and how to create inventory records for museum artifacts. Training and equipment is provided. We prefer volunteers who are able to commit to at least 20 hours of volunteer time per year in order to have sufficient time to learn the processes and contribute to the project. Photography experience is helpful, but not required.
Due to the nature of the project, volunteers will need to have daytime availability in blocks of at least 2 hours.
We also have volunteering opportunities related to gardening and native plants, oral history interviewing and many other areas related to nature and heritage on St. Martin. Please feel free to ask about other opportunities that interest you. Thanks!