Volunteer opportunity World International Peace Day 2023 - September 21st 2023

Volunteer opportunity World International Peace Day 2023 - September 21st 2023

Task · 0–2 hrs · by 21 Sept 2023
Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Animal welfareCommunity & familyChildren & youth

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Bridge Builders
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Looking for volunteer with drone camera to take pictures at yoga session on the Boardwalk in front of Dutch Blonde Beach Bar on September 21st 2023 at 5pm.

Detailed description

Date of event - September 21st 2023

Time of event - 5:30-6:30pm

Volunteer to be available at venue by 5pm.

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About Bridge Builders

Based in St. Maarten, the Bridge Builders SXM is the local initiative of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission's youth wing. Connected by global centers, Bridge Builders, also known as "Soldiers of the Spirit," comprises diverse individuals united by a common goal: to be the catalyst for positive change. The St. Maarten chapter is dedicated to youth empowerment, offering opportunities for all, with a focus on self-development through interactive sessions, community service, and workshops on mindfulness, health, and fitness. Join us in building a better future on the island!